
Adjustable slag oil pump-Slag oil pump-Gear oil pump-_Botou Aike Pump Co., Ltd


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Adjustable slag oil pump


The adjustable slag oil pump is a gear pump that can adjust the pressure in the pump. The pump is equipped with an adjustable gear end clearance structure. When the pressure of the slag oil pump decreases after working for a period of time, the end clearance of the gear in the pump can be adjusted through the external fine-tuning mechanism on the pump cover, so that the working pressure of the pump can be restored and adjusted for several times.

The three body (pump body, front cover and rear cover) gear and shaft of gear pump series adjustable slag oil pump are made of alloy structural steel 40 Luo steel, and the thrust plate and thrust plate are made of tin bronze composite material, which has high wear resistance.

The adjustable slag oil pump is equipped with an adjustable gear end clearance structure. When the pressure of the slag oil pump decreases after working for a period of time, the end clearance of the gear in the pump can be adjusted through the external fine-tuning mechanism on the pump cover, so that the working pressure of the pump can be restored and adjusted for several times, so the effective service life of the gear pump can be prolonged. The pump is mainly used for the transportation and high-pressure injection of diesel oil below 200 ℃, heavy diesel oil and other combustion oils with less impurities.

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